As a vocalist and voice teacher, I would not have been able to follow my passions if not for the amazing people in my life, who sat down and not only listened to me sing but taught me the importance of truly hearing. One family member who was an exceptional listener was my Uncle Michael. Michael Chalfin devoted his life to not only supporting his family members, but also in his work as a psychiatrist. Michael Chalfin passed in July of 2020. Now, I am using my voice to honor and remember Michael. It is my hope to raise awareness and resources for cancer patients through Cancer Commons. If you sign up for a free group lesson from Arabella's Voice Studio, I would be grateful if you could make a donation here. With Uncle Michael’s support, I learned that vocal training is both a practice and a mindset. And in strengthening your voice, it is inevitable that you will also strengthen another key muscle: your soul. Thank you for your donation and remembering Michael’s soul.
A message from Cancer Commons: We rely on every dollar raised to fuel our free services for patients and caregivers. Thank you for your partnership in our efforts to help every patient find and access their best-possible treatment options.